Sunday, February 27, 2011

First Scene

- - any extended period of leave from one's customary work, especially for rest,
to acquire new skills or training, etc.

It's official!!  After initial rejection and a year-long delay, I've been approved for an 8 week sabbatical!!  I love my job, my company and my boss.

How crazy is this?  I get 1/3 pay, benefits continue, job is there when I get back (probably different one, but it's about time to move businesses anyway).

The Plan - - 
  • Scheduled for June 27 to August 28. 
  • Objectives
    • Relax, enjoy and savor the time
    • Trip to Europe with Husband and kids
  • Europe with Family limited to 2 weeks based on husband's vacation and kids limited tolerance for 'missing more of their summer' - and not wanting them to fly back alone, because - - 
  • I'm flying back 2 weeks after the family - that's 4 weeks in Europe, 1/2 of my sabbatical
  • Interest areas - 
    • me - France, Paris in particular, just 'being' there, adventure with family, memory creation, last 'shot' before college changes family dynamics
    • husband - WWII history
    • 16 year old son - Berlin, not France
    • 12 year old son - soccer
  • May have some friends interested in joining me for the last 2 'solo' weeks!!
  • Staying in apartments, not hotels
  • not being a crazy tourist, just absorbing the 'difference'
Putting together a resources list is the next step - check the tab for the list in progress.

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